Find A Trekking Partner For Manaslu Circuit Trek

Manaslu trek

Manaslu Circuit Trek

Find a trekking partner for Manaslu circuit trek if you are a solo Trekker. Because the single entry would be expensive in this beautiful trails and off-the-beaten experience, Manaslu Circuit Trek. Manaslu, the 8th highest mountain peak in the world. It is a perfect escapade for hikers who wish to idle away solitary moments in the secluded areas of Nepal. Impressive Tibetan villages add traditional charms during this incredible trek. The awe-inspiring vistas of the Himalayas from different places on the trek provide a soothing time-out to trekkers. Larkya La Pass and the Pungyen Gompa are something to watch for while treading through highland settlements of Samdo, Samagaon, Tilije, Syange and many among others.

Manaslu Trek is, in fact, a unique trekking destination in Nepal that was opened to foreigners only in 1991. As of now, not many trekkers are seen passing by the remote corners of the Manaslu trekking route. Each year there is a gradual increase in travelers those that are heading towards the restricted Manaslu region. It is no surprise that the far-flung trekking destination is receiving an alarming increase in the number of trekkers. The reason behind the startling increase in visitors is that most of the area is still remote and unexplored. Besides, the trails are very scenic and travelers enjoy the quietness and feel safe about not having fallen into some kind of a tourist hoax.

Why DO You Need A Trekking Partner For TheManaslu Circuit Trek:

The Manaslu Circuit Trek is a spectacular journey through the remote regions of Nepal, offering breathtaking scenery, cultural immersion, and a physically demanding trail. While solo trekking can be appealing for its solitude and self-reliance, having a trekking partner for the Manaslu Circuit Trek provides numerous advantages that enhance safety, enjoyment, and overall experience.


  1. Safety and Security

  • Nepal Government Rules and Regulations: The Nepal Government has announced that solo trekker can not get a trekking permit in restricted areas so there must be two people to issue the special permits.
  • Remote and Rugged Terrain: The Manaslu Circuit Trek traverses some of the most isolated and challenging terrains in Nepal. A trekking partner ensures you have someone to assist in case of injuries, altitude sickness, or other emergencies.
  • Shared Responsibility: Partners can share the responsibility of navigation and decision-making, which is particularly important in remote areas where trails can be unclear and weather conditions unpredictable.
  • Emergency Situations: In case of an emergency, having a partner means one person can seek help while the other stays with the injured person, increasing the chances of a timely rescue.


  1. Motivation and Support

  • Physical Challenge: The trek is physically demanding, with long days of walking and significant altitude gains. A partner provides motivation and encouragement, helping you push through difficult sections.
  • Emotional Support: Trekking in high altitudes and challenging conditions can be mentally taxing. Having someone to share the highs and lows with can make the experience more emotionally manageable.


  1. Enhanced Experience

  • Cultural Exchange: Experiencing the rich culture of the Manaslu region is more enjoyable when you can share it with someone. Discussing your observations and experiences with a partner can deepen your understanding and appreciation.
  • Memories and Bonding: Sharing the journey with a partner creates lasting memories and strengthens your bond. The shared experience of overcoming challenges and enjoying the beauty of the Himalayas creates a unique connection.
  • Photography and Documentation: Having a partner means you can take photos of each other and ensure that you have more comprehensive documentation of your journey.


Where to Find a Trekking Partner for the Manaslu Circuit Trek

  1. Trekking Agencies: Royal Holidays Adventure, a local agency offers group treks where you can join other solo trekkers.
  2. Online Forums and Groups: Websites, and Facebook groups dedicated to Nepal trekking are great places to find like-minded trekkers. Reddit also has a dedicated trekking community where you can post your trekking plans and seek partners.
  3. Social Media: Posting on social media platforms about your plans can connect you with friends or friends of friends interested in the trek. Instagram and Twitter hashtags like #ManasluTrek and #NepalTrekking can also help you find potential partners.


How to Evaluate a Potential Trekking Partner

  1. Communication: Royal Holidays Adventure will help you to communicate with partners.  We connect you with your partners  to discuss your plans, expectations, and trekking experience. Ask about their past trekking experiences and any specific goals for the Manaslu Circuit Trek.
  2. Meet in Person: You will meet your partner at Royal Holidays Adventure office in Kathmandu before the trek. Discuss your trekking style, pace, budget, and any concerns. Meeting over a coffee or meal can give you a better sense of compatibility.
  3. Plan Together: Planning the trek together helps ensure that both parties are on the same page and have similar expectations. Discussing logistics such as itinerary, packing lists, and emergency plans can also help build a solid partnership.


Trekking with partners or trekking solo in Nepal?

Solo trekking is legal and allowed by the government authorities of Nepal except for some restricted areas. Although a majority of trekkers travel in groups or at least find trekking partners, there are some who want to trek solo. Sometime back around in 2012, talks were on for outlawing solo trekking in Nepal by the tourism ministry of the government of Nepal. The talks never seemed to materialize till now and the probable ban for solo trekkers was held back even till the present day. Some advantages and disadvantages of trekking solo in Nepal have already been mentioned earlier in this article. 

Now, without much significance of whether solo trekking is prohibited or not, finding trekking partners or joining small groups for trekking in Nepal is good for several reasons. Above all, finding a trekking partner is a safer option rather than wandering all alone in solitude. However, when trekking solo on the popular trails like the Everest Base Camp Trek or Annapurna Base Camp Trek, there is nothing to worry about being alone. There will be plenty of hikers along the trails and the teahouses. When a solo trekker meets another solo trekker on the trail on in the teahouses, there is a possibility for them to patch up and share the whole trekking adventure further on till the end of the trip. Walking together for some days could become more fun and one doesn’t have to walk for 5 – 6 hours without talking to anyone. 

On a more positive surface, it is always good to have a trekking partner. Anything is possible while traversing on the Himalayan trails. Everything is unanticipated during the trek such as twisting an ankle, sudden elevation sickness or other risks. It is therefore very safe when trekkers are out with a partner; it may in many ways prove to be life-saving. Those who wish to trek solo in Nepal but are looking for a guide, it is a wise bet to share the guide cost with other solo trekkers. Sharing the guide will decrease the trip cost for each solo trekker. 

On the other hand, for all trekking destinations within Nepal that are restricted areas, trekking solo is not permitted by the government. In such regions, restricted area trekking permits are required and trekkers must travel through a licensed tour operator, accompanied by a guide. Some of the restricted area trekking destinations of Nepal are Upper Mustang Trek, Manaslu Circuit Trek, Upper Dolpo Trek, Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek, Nar Phu Valley Trek, Tsum Valley Trek and several others. 


Solo Trekkers Joining groups

From the profound research works and analytics, we have found that most solo trekkers post their preferences on some travel companion sites. These sites created just for the purpose of allowing solo trekkers to meet up and trek together.

In Royal Holidays Adventure, it is possible for a trekker to see the latest update and post, also possible for him to post something of his preference. Who knows who gets lucky because there may just be someone looking around for a partner. It may be hard and not always possible to find other trekkers looking out for a partner like you. However, if you manage to get hold of someone at the last moment for trekking to Manaslu, Dolpo, Upper Mustang, Kanchenjunga, or Tsum areas, you will have to begin planning your trip with some reputed trekking agencies in Nepal. As the restricted areas require special permits for entry, it is mandatory for every trekker to register themselves through a local company and a professional guide. 

Finding off-the-cuff trekking agencies who provide services in the restricted areas in Nepal is not as easy as trekking in the Annapurna region. Unlike other short and easy treks in Nepal, it is not just enough to hang around in Kathmandu and wait for someone to turn up and wait for something exciting to come up. Getting in touch with Royal Holidays Adventure will work better as they have fixed group departures. There might as well be some private groups waiting to accept some outsider traveler in the hope of bringing down their own cost of trekking in Nepal. Even if the agency does not run the particular trek, there is a possibility for them to send you to another company in their network who run the trip.


About Author

Sandip Tiwari

I am Sandip, a Co-founder of Royal Holidays Adventure. I was born and raised in Himalayan region of Nepal. I have done almost all the trekking in Nepal and have a long experience in organizing the trekking. If you are looking for next Adventure trip to Nepal then feel free to Contact me for your assist. I will help you to make the perfect plan for Nepal trip.


Registered with the company registration office under Nepal Government

Member of Trekking Agency Association of Nepal (TAAN)

Licensed by Nepal Tourism Board & Department of Tourism

Member of Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA)